Thursday, March 8, 2012


I am very familiar with back pain, not quite sure why but I get pain in my lower back alot. This has been happening for for almost 10 years now. I can't sleep to long, I can't lay in a funny position, I can't wear too high of heels, otherwise I'm in pain for the next day.
But the back pain I had the last few days, now that is new to me. I have had pain in my shoulder for about a month now, but this weekend it got worse and worse. I could actually feel a large lump under my skin, I can touch it, but when I do the pain shoots down my arm and makes my elbow numb. Of course in my true fashion I started to overreact and go straight to the worse case scenario! Surprise!
I started googling what it could be and was disappointed to keep coming up with just a muscle knot. As I have never had one before I didn't think you could actually feel the knot.
Dennis of course knew that I was in crazy mode and blamed the pain in my shoulder with the new "exercise" equipment we got.
We got an As-Seen-On-TV over the door pull up bar! And Dennis looks just like that when he uses it! :) I can't even pull myself half way up, how could I have injured myself?
So to humor him, I decided to treat it as a muscle knot. Off to the store I went.
I got heat wraps and Aleve, after the first patch I was still in pain, the darn knock off brand didn't even get hot or actually stick on me.
But when I woke up this morning the pain was way less. I can still feel the large knot, but when I touch it, it doesn't send any pain down my arm. Still not positive if I really injured myself on a wimpy attempt at a chin up or not, but at least the pain has subsided.
So off to work I go, I will still monitor my large lump, but hope that it goes away. If not, I do still have a free 1 hour massage gift certificate, what a good time to take advantage of that. I'm sure they can tell me if that is normal. (Cheaper and feels better than the doctors!)

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