Friday, March 16, 2012

Green Dinner

In an attempt to be more "festive" for the the upcoming St. Patrick's Day, I decided to make something green for dinner. In so many ways this went wrong! But I will tell you my attempt, and mind you, I have made this before and it was delicious!
There is not a lot of green things my husband likes, unless it is green candy. But I on the other hand love green stuff, he is the carnivore, I prefer veggies over a steak. Most meals, either I just eat what he would eat (hence the weight gain) or I have to make separate meals. It is clearly unfair that men (at least my man) can eat almost anything and still look the same.
I decided to make chicken tacos and cilantro rice. Last year at our Uganda Mission Group Reunion we had a Mexican theme and I made this rice and it was a huge hit, very yummy, yet very green. But this time you will read my mistakes.

First I started with two of my favorite green items, cilantro and limes!

Cilantro Rice:
Cook white rice as usual (I use a rice cooker)
 For EACH cup of rice:
2/3 cup cilantro, loosely packed
1/3 cup chopped onion
1/4 cup chopped scallions
1 jalapeno
1 tbsp lime juice
1 tsp olive oil
Puree the above in a blender and to the cooked rice, stir well.

Super easy and very tasty, unfortunately I forgot my recipe before hitting the grocery store. I forgot the onions and scallions, then when I tried to blend up the ingredients, my magic bullet broke, like half way through it threaded and wouldn't grind anymore! So now I have a chunky mixture. Because my kitchen is so small I don't have enough counter space to make everything and use my stove, so I couldn't warm up the corn tortillas in a pan. I was in a different grocery store, not so familiar with it, and I bought green avocados, they are green right? Oh my, not sure if they were not ripe yet or supposed to be like that but they were the consistency of a cucumber, no good!
I still thought that it was yummy, but of course Dennis was not happy. He  just got plain white rice because the green mixture was too chunky (its a texture thing for him!). He didn't like the corn tortillas and he would have rather had his chicken shredded. But he got a warm home cooked meal... it was better then a hot pocket right? :)
Here is our final "green" meal. Since I have plenty of rice left over, I will attempt to do it again!
After dinner I made green mint cookies for my boss (St. Patty's day is his birthday), they were delicious, I redeemed myself! I will get that one up tonight!

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