Wednesday, January 25, 2012

All you need is the right tools

Dennis came home after my craft day to find me exhausted and barely any projects finished. After I whined that we don't have enough room for my sewing machine, he told me I could take over the dining room table now (Scentsy already overflows in the dining room, but I try and leave the table empty.. not anymore!). He is such a good husband :)
Sunday after a fun day with my dad planning an up coming road trip (more on that next time!), and a fierce game of dominoes, we stopped by my mom to grab her extra sewing machine. Luckily for me, my mom always wants the newest and best machines (she has 4+ sewing/embroidery machines). I was able to snag the last one she wasn't using.
Even better? Oh ya, since mom works at JoAnn fabrics she is always buying stuff on sale and never really having a need for it, until her baby girl comes and raids her stuff. I was able to snag up an awesome pink rotary cutter! Check out my new tools:
This bad boy can even do embroidery! I can't wait to get the attachments (once they are found).

I also stopped by mom's work yesterday and picked up the rest of the felt I needed to finish my scarf. Here the glorious finished project!

I was really hard to take a picture of it, I hope you can see the detail, it is super fun. I already have 2 other colors of felt, so I can make more!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Feeling a little crafty

After spending endless hours on pinterest I figured it was time to have something to show for it. Today I dedicated it as crafty day. I went to the craft store twice yesterday; my mom is a manager at JoAnn Fabrics so I always stop there first, but they didn't have lavender essential oils so I had to stop at Hobby Lobby, which is extremely dangerous, you better walk in there with a game plan in mind or full pockets of money! (One cool thing is if you are buying something not on sale, pull up their website and show them the coupon on your phone and get 40% off!!).
Woke up early to tackle my projects and remembered my mom yelling at us when we were kids to not use "her" scissors on anything by fabric, now I realize why! After attempting to cut my calicos with dull lame scissors, Dennis and I had to head out to breakfast and to the craft store again!!!
Okay back at home and focusing on my projects I go. Another reason I can't wait for a house? My craft room/office. Currently we don't have enough space for me to fully spread out, I have already taken over the dining room, storage room, and the only closet in the house, which still is not enough. I can't pull my sewing machine out of our large storage room, so I figured I could do all my projects by hand stitching them. Brilliant idea, until I'm half way through my first project Baby Belly Bags (BBB). My stitch is taking way too long, and I had to do it twice. Even though I got enough materials to make 15 little baggies, I only finished one. :( If I had that glorious sewing machine this project would take less than 15 minutes, in my current circumstance it took me over an hour!
So here is what I got so far.....

Filling the baggy

Materials for my BBB's
The finished project (well, one of them!)

I decided to take on this cute little pin because, I have lots of preggo friends and I read alot about these, they are supposed to soothe the babies, relieves gas and comfort them. After the onesies, I really wanted to do more homemade gifts.

Okay next project, again another one I can't finish!

This one is a felt flower scarf, super duper cute,  I knew I wanted to tackle this one.
I cut out the scarf and than the circles, but I ran out of felt!!! I almost cut all of the circles needed, scalloped them and put one flower together. My hand is sore from holding my new scissors and honestly I'm a little mentally beat!
But guess what? I'm going to head to the craft store.. again! This time before I leave the house I will shower and actually get ready for the day.
Here is my scarf so far...

Very little tools needed for this project, just have to make sure you have enough felt, I think I made my circles a little big!
Here is the awesome tutorial I am following Felt Flower Scarf

Friday, January 20, 2012


I'm more than totally obsessed with Pinterest, I'm pretty sure I spent hours last night just looking and totally random pins. Which on its own is alot of fun, but when you are doing it on your tab, the mobile Pinterest isn't really the best, it isn't an app, just a mobile version of their website. So when I try and pin something sometimes it errors and sometimes I get just what I want :)
I have pinned tons, but only actually tried one crafty thing, these adorable little baby boy onesies with a fabric tie on the front. I loved making them, can't wait for more boys so that I can make more of them, I made a few for Hollie's soon to be baby boy (which should be coming any day now!!!!)
The other day I attempted a hair style that I found (here is my pin for it ). It turned out cute, but not really as messy as I wanted it, so I tried it again this morning, but threw in my "bump" to mix it up too. Messier the better right? hahah I like it, but I have more perfecting to do!

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I have a few more plans for my next project. I love, love making jewelry, but now I'm enjoying making baby gifts for all the little ones my friends are having. Tonight is a great night to master a few of those :)

Friday, January 13, 2012

Home is where the ......

We are in the process of looking for a house, probably not to buy yet, just a rental, I need a break from owning. We are in major need of space, we have a 600 sq foot 1 bedroom condo. Most days I have no idea how we fit in it, and on rare occasions its cozy. But I'm dying for a house, rooms, a closet for Dennis and a place I can entertain. In the past I have been known to throw pretty fun parties, but with the limited space we haven't had one in awhile, and it makes me sad and a little introverted. I'm so ready to lead groups for church, share my home and be proud of my space. 
Since we are in the in between time all I can do is dream, oh and do I do that well! I have already planned every room in my imaginary home. Now to just find all the furniture to put it to reality. Off to craigslist I go! But I have emailed a few ads, and no responses, purely rude! :(
Here are some of my ideas:
 I like the simpleness of this room, combine that with some Coca-Cola from below and I'm happy.
The first thing I want to put up in a new house is Dennis' pool table, it has been in storage for 4 years now :) He loves Billiards and loves Coca-Cola so I want to combine these two and make an awesome game room. We have a few more game items to put in there, we just need more Coca Cola stuff, which unfortunately is too darn expensive, so that may take a while to fill that room! 
So the  next room is my dining room, depending on our space we probably won't have a formal dining room, which I'm okay with, we can always put a top on the pool table for large dinners. So I want a simple nautical dining room.

I love this room, and more than anything I love the chandelier. I have talked to my dad about making us one, we just need to find a large helm (wheel) and it can be done!

I really want to find an old port hole, that will probably be the most expensive of my finds.

Alright I should really get to work now.. and continue dreaming :)

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Good News & 41 -60

Another trip to the Doctor yesterday, after very old school ultrasound (the screen is  yellow!) they determined the mass they saw in my ovary is gone! My HCG levels are down to 141! Everything is doing what it is supposed to be doing! About time! But on other ickyness.. TMI alert.... after lots of cramping I started bleeding last night and finally passed tissue, which sounds gross but is a good thing, that is what has been climbing my HCG levels and my body hadn't let it go yet. I was actually quite relieved to see it, as I hadn't had any before.  Luckily I get to wait 2 more weeks before another blood test, I'm so getting tired of feeling like a pin cushion!!!!

Okay now on to happy things :)

My thankful list continues:
41. The smile when Dennis first sees me
42. The smell of fall
43. Hearing God's word
44. Being able to comfort a friend
45. Meeting nice strangers
46. Flying and not feeling sick
47. Feeling inspired after hearing someones story
48. Watching Dennis' face as he opens gifts
49. Making crafts
50. Throwing a party
51. Watching the snow fall
52. Wearing beautiful gifts from others
53. A kiss on the cheek from my mom
54. Having your prayers answered
55. Not having your prayers answered and know there is a greater purpose
56. Praying to my heavenly Father
57. Walking in to church and seeing an old friend
58. Giving
59. A really good phlebotomy technician
60. Watching others give

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


I can do sympathy, but condolences has always been something hard for me. I have never known what I am supposed to say to someone after they have lost a loved one. I think I always came up short in this area. I'm sure most of that was because I had never lost a family member since I have been an adult, until now.
Now I finally get the other end of condolences. I have realized that all that I would say before was not good enough or too much. For I have heard some odd and awkward things, and found that the ones I feel most comforted in are the ones that have been there, they know. After having a conversation with a friend of ours that has had a miscarriage and given birth at 20 weeks to a still born, I finally could truly say to her, I'm sorry you had to go through this. As a couple months ago I had no words I could say, nothing I felt was good enough, so in turn I said nothing.
I have received very pretty flowers, including a mini poinsettia that sits on my desk at work that I just love looking at during the day, but yesterday I received the most amazing and touching gift. Our friends Matt and Karen sent us this card:
They honored our little one with a tree planted in Washington. How amazing is that? I have never heard of this before. Dennis and I were just blown away with the thoughtfulness and true love that was given to us. We will frame it to always remember our little one who couldn't stay.
So what I have decided, if you don't know what to say, simply say I'm sorry or we are praying for you, those have been the most comforting to us. That you could fill your prayers and thoughts with us, that is heartfelt.
Thank you to everyone for your gracious words, even the funny ones, it made us laugh through a tough time :)

Monday, January 9, 2012


So this weekend has by far been the hardest, teariest weekend by far, I feel like I did my full on freak out grieving. But what was nice is what came next. I have moved to my next step in grieving.
Acceptance, oh ya I am so ready for this step! After man tears, quiet time, and an amazing book (Kisses From Katie talk about an amazing journey of faith), I had an "ah-ha" moment. Katie was grieving over the loss of one of her children (the birth mother took her after 2 years) and she turned to God, to only realize that He understands, He knows her loss, His pain is worse, He killed his only son so that we can have salvation.
I put my book down and prayed. How can I continue to grieve the loss of my unborn child, when God has had to grieve the loss of his only son, but in Heaven they have been reunited. It felt freeing, the answer I had been seeking.
While I have been overwhelmed with my sadness, I have not been able to see the good things that have and will come from this loss. The growing that I have already seen in my heart, the communication this has brought between Dennis and I, the relationships that have grow in the midst of my tragedy.
Today is a good day, and I fell that tomorrow, next week, and next month will be too. Its not about forgetting a loss, its about moving on and still living afterwards.
I'm tired of hiding, of crying, of feeling deep sad loneliness, I'm tired of the pity, of the sad looks, I'm ready for acceptance.
So here I am one day at a time taking my life in my hands and handing the whole thing over to God, I'm ready to fulfill his path and stop making my own.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

21 - 40

Time to update the gifts I'm thankful for:
21: Hearing an expected "Thank You"
22: Surprise coffee
23: The large red sunset
24: Slowly waking up during my morning walk
25: Quiet time to reflect
26: Wind in Burton's face
27: Smell of fresh ground pepper
28: Nice glass of Pinot Noir
29: Watching my ring sparkle at church, brings me back to that day
30: The 'aha' moments after I realize God's presence
31: Dennis jumping to the need of others
32: Being there for a friend
33: Marriage ceremonies
34: Sharing my story
35: Seeing my sister Jess smile
36: Color to her cheeks
37: Sharing the message of God
38: Learning about the stories in the bible
39. Holding a warm cup of coffee
40: Wind rustling the leaves

I had already written all these down, but to reread them truly makes me happy. I can't wait to see what else comes out!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Been too long

As I look over my blog I realize I'm not a great blogger.. nor do I even do a good job of actually attempting to blog.
But new year, new efforts, and new things to blog about. So I'm going to once again attempt this blogging thing :) I know it has been over 6 months since my last blog, and I had started my list of 1,000 gifts that I'm thankful for. I have had more of a progress than my 20 that I had listed, but this is a great reminder to get my butt in gear to continue with this list. It took the girl in the book over a year to do it, and I'm already over 6 months, so I am way behind! I will continue to post up my progress on this.

Let me do a quick recap of the last 6 months, first off I will tell you that I have decided to be honest and true, and somethings people don't talk about, but I have found that by sharing my stories of both good and bad has helped me and moved me.
In October Dennis and I traveled to Mexico for his surprise birthday gift, what an amazing trip, we are pretty darn good at traveling together, and this trip was no exception to that. Together we took in the amazing sights, played in the ocean, learn about the Mayan culture, and were able to plan for our future together. We have been married for over 3 years and knew that one day we would feel the desire to have kids.
In August we had learned of the struggles that our friends were going through trying to conceive, and as this scared us, it always awoke us to the fact that when we do decide we can't just expect it to happen. We made a decision that until this couple could have their baby after their struggles we would wait, for no real reason, we just knew we needed to, just because we knew we wanted them to share in our joy and want them to have it first.
We were over joyed to find out in September (just a month later!) that they were expecting, so while we were in Mexico, D and I were able to reflect on our future and decide that we were ready to start trying.
On our second month of trying, I woke up Thanksgiving morning with this urgent nagging to take a pregnancy test, after an internal fight I decided to break down and take one (I had already taken a few and every time I had this sadness when it was negative). To my surprise the little digital test came up as positive. So excited that I couldn't keep it in, I instantly woke up Dennis and told him, and sent a picture to our friends that new we were trying. Than that day we told our family. Everything seemed perfect and happy. Than our struggles began.
3 days later, I could tell I was having cramping that didn't seem normal, the next morning I woke up and was bleeding, I knew this wasn't right. I waited 2 more days before I called the midwife and she urged me to come in, I ignored the request and than the next day the bleeding and cramping was worse, I decided I needed to go in ASAP. Dennis picked me up and we rushed to the doctors, the midwife very solemnly informed me I was having a miscarriage. I pulled myself together and understood what she was saying, we went home that night and had to tell our family that we lost the baby, that was the hardest part, I felt like every time we discussed it and told someone my heart broke just a little more.
The doctors had requested that I follow with my HCG levels (hormone level that only shows up in pregnant woman, its what turns the pee test positive). They called me that night and told me my levels were very very low and that I would need to come back next week for a follow up.
I spent the next day grieving and finally returned to work, after only half hour of work I got the phone call that my grandpa had passed that morning. My emotional state was back to pure chaos and pain. I have not had the sadness to deal with loss before. I have been fairly luckily that  most deaths around me have happened while I was too young to be affected, but as an adult it was finally my time to deal with loss.
I know that my grandfather lived a great life, he was always cheerful and always engaging, he had been sick for the last month, and it was his time to stop hurting. I know this, but it still is hard to swallow.
One more week has passed and we continue to grieve, be there with our family, and try and move on in our own lives. I have my follow up HCG test.. shouldn't be anything unusual, I'm expecting the doctor to tell me my levels are almost to zero at this point, and I get the dreaded call that they have tripled in a week. This is not normal for a miscarriage, but they are still way too low for a viable pregnancy.
The midwives to decide to continue to monitor me before they make any decisions, 4 weeks later, 5 blood test, climbing HCG levels, 2 ultrasounds, and the midwives have referred me to an OB. Dr Sundwall has called and confirmed this is an ectopic pregnancy. (Which means the baby is somewhere outside my uterus, normally your tubes, which if the baby continues to grow can be very harmful to me. A baby in no way can survive and continue to grow in an Ectopic pregnancy.) He urges me to get methrotrexate shot to terminate the pregnancy and as he tells me to go in the next day he realizes that is Christmas day.
We decide to wait one more week as I can't bare to do it on Christmas. After the holiday weekend we go to the Dr., another blood test and another ultrasound, we get rushed to the hospital so that I can get 2 methotrexate injections, both in my butt :(
So the facts aside, how did this affect me? My emotional state this entire time has been shaky, all I know is that I am caring a baby that is either barely hanging on or has already passed. But, the most overwhelming emotion I have had is when I got the injection, I was not wanting it, I was avoiding it, and putting it off, I knew that was the end. That what ever was inside of me, I had to make the decision to terminate it. Once the first injection hit me I couldn't stop crying, I just knew what it was doing and it broke my heart. I can be totally fine and think of that shot and the rush of emotions run back over me.
I haven't had any side effects really, minor cramping, so physically I'm okay, but emotionally I'm still a mess. I try and act like I got it together, than those nagging stings of pain hit me when I see a beautiful growing belly, a happy face, a baby toy I forgot I had, or when I get that sad look from others.
We just approached a new year, a new life to start over, and I can't wait to see what 2012 will bring for us. 2011 was our year of lessons, I learned patience, contentment, joy, agape, how to serve, stronger spirituality, having to deal with true loss, and how to let go.
My resolutions this year are simple, first; strengthen relationships, with God, Dennis, Friends, Family and Coworkers. Second; to find my purpose, my God given gift and use it, don't hoard it, but spread it. We are only 6 days in this year, and I can already see the light at the end of my tunnel, I can see how God wants to use me, first to share my story and second to help others. I can't wait to share the changes in my heart over this coming year.
Thanks for reading my really really long post!!!