Saturday, January 21, 2012

Feeling a little crafty

After spending endless hours on pinterest I figured it was time to have something to show for it. Today I dedicated it as crafty day. I went to the craft store twice yesterday; my mom is a manager at JoAnn Fabrics so I always stop there first, but they didn't have lavender essential oils so I had to stop at Hobby Lobby, which is extremely dangerous, you better walk in there with a game plan in mind or full pockets of money! (One cool thing is if you are buying something not on sale, pull up their website and show them the coupon on your phone and get 40% off!!).
Woke up early to tackle my projects and remembered my mom yelling at us when we were kids to not use "her" scissors on anything by fabric, now I realize why! After attempting to cut my calicos with dull lame scissors, Dennis and I had to head out to breakfast and to the craft store again!!!
Okay back at home and focusing on my projects I go. Another reason I can't wait for a house? My craft room/office. Currently we don't have enough space for me to fully spread out, I have already taken over the dining room, storage room, and the only closet in the house, which still is not enough. I can't pull my sewing machine out of our large storage room, so I figured I could do all my projects by hand stitching them. Brilliant idea, until I'm half way through my first project Baby Belly Bags (BBB). My stitch is taking way too long, and I had to do it twice. Even though I got enough materials to make 15 little baggies, I only finished one. :( If I had that glorious sewing machine this project would take less than 15 minutes, in my current circumstance it took me over an hour!
So here is what I got so far.....

Filling the baggy

Materials for my BBB's
The finished project (well, one of them!)

I decided to take on this cute little pin because, I have lots of preggo friends and I read alot about these, they are supposed to soothe the babies, relieves gas and comfort them. After the onesies, I really wanted to do more homemade gifts.

Okay next project, again another one I can't finish!

This one is a felt flower scarf, super duper cute,  I knew I wanted to tackle this one.
I cut out the scarf and than the circles, but I ran out of felt!!! I almost cut all of the circles needed, scalloped them and put one flower together. My hand is sore from holding my new scissors and honestly I'm a little mentally beat!
But guess what? I'm going to head to the craft store.. again! This time before I leave the house I will shower and actually get ready for the day.
Here is my scarf so far...

Very little tools needed for this project, just have to make sure you have enough felt, I think I made my circles a little big!
Here is the awesome tutorial I am following Felt Flower Scarf

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