Friday, April 6, 2012

So much for my chores....

Up to date the chores list that I made has been really good for me. I love checking things off so much, no matter if they are something fun (changing my Scentsy) to something gross (cleaning the toilet). I have enjoyed keeping the house clean and feel a little proud of myself :)
Well, things have changed a little, that hour in the morning that I have been cleaning, has now been turned in to an hour of packing! We finally got a closing date, and we have to be out by April 23! They only gave us 21 days notice, and now we are down to 17 days! This is exciting, and a little scary, as we don't have anywhere to live. Not a big deal right? Not for us, we just seem to go with the flow!
The house we would like to move in to is occupied, so until the tenants accept their notice and move out, we are homeless....
Thank God (please do, I do everyday!) that we have an amazing family. We are going to crash in my sisters spare bedroom until the decision is made as to where we can live. Wasn't exactly the ideal outcome, but for now it works well. I'm so excited my sister lives over here now anyways, and I know it will be a like a big slumber party for a few weeks to a few months (I'm hoping for the earlier!).
With the reality that we are out of the tiny spaces, and moving in to a larger house, the dreaming continues. I have fully envisioned my room, but have so much work on the rest of the rooms.
I have so many projects that I have been collecting that I need to start mastering. Paint nightstands, dresser, mirrors, windows. Figure out how to hang windows as a headboard. Find a dining room table, living room chairs, and finish the pool table.
But for now we are living out of boxes. We started packing, our goal is pack for at least an hour every day. Living room, dining room, Dennis' closet, and half the kitchen are done. There are somethings I can't pack, like my Scentsy and my crafts, I have parties scheduled, and making crafts for a wedding, gifts, and a baby shower.
This is how I feel, we had to move boxes just to watch TV last night. The boxes are over the top of my head and we are not even half way done! I forgot how much I hate moving, but I know the worse is only to come, the unpacking, oh how I dread that!

On other news, today is Good Friday, or also known as Holy Friday, today commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Today is a day to reflect on the sacrifice that was made for our sins. Today is a day to think back to where you were before you had Christ in your life. How Christ has saved you. I know I have shared my story in the past, and I will be spending today thinking about Jesus' sacrifice and what that means to me.
Today is a sad day, but also a good day, with out Jesus' death, He would be unable to rise again and save us.

Isaiah 53:5

"But he was pierced for our transgressions,
he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was on him,
and by his wounds we are healed. "

   "God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son."
- John 3:16

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