Thursday, March 22, 2012

The End

Last night, sadly, was the end of the Me, Myself, and Lies Growth Group.From the first day that I walked in, I knew I wouldn't want to see this group end. Through this book, through these wonderful women, and through our glorious God I found hope. At the time I didn't realize I was seeking it, but oh did I find it.
There are so many things that I struggle with that came in to light through this book, I know that doesn't sound good, but it is. Because with out recognizing them, I can't work on them. I have a whole list of homework to continue to work on, to be intentional about.
We know that everything can be comforted in the Word, but do we actually seek those affirmations or answers? Most of the time, I think that answer is no. When I know I'm struggling I do, but what about those day to day times when we are telling ourselves lies about us, and we begin to believe them. I'm not good enough, I'm not skinny enough, I'm not worthy. Those are the times we should seek his Word, in reading and in prayer.

Preserve my soul; for I am holy. Psalm 86:2

I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Psalm 139:14

But by the grace of God I am what I am. 1 Corinthians 15:10

In this book we have learned what is in our thoughts (she calls it our thoughi closet because we end up wearing all of our thoughts), how to recognize truths, how to seek wisdom, guarding our thoughts, keeping God in the center of our thoughts, and how to find hope. Along with the DVD series you have so much room to grow. They both were great, but what I loved the most, was the ladies that I met, the wonderfully real ladies.
Through these ladies, I was able to open up my heart, pour out my soul and feel comforted. We had a mix of lovely ladies, great leaders that opened their home and their thought closets! I could find comfort, something in common, and a friend in many of these ladies. I can not wait to see where God brings everyone of them. I know he has big plans, and I know he is working through them and through me.
I will be intentional, in my devoted time for and with God. I will be intentional in my relationships. I will be intentional in my future. I will be intentional in what I think, and what I say, and I will be intentional in our next steps.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad God brought us together through this group! Here's to a lifetime of thought closet reorganization, and the gift of friendship that provides a safe place for dreams and disappointments to be shared.
