Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Eucharisteo; what does it mean to you? I'm sure you just googled it. If you did you may  have found this:
EucharisteoGreek.   yoo-khar-is-teh’-o. Verb. Definition: 1.To be grateful, to feel thankful. 2. Give thanks
The root word of eucharisteo is charis, meaning grace.
So now let me ask that same question, What does Eucharisteo mean to you? I have been reading Ann Voskamp's One Thousand Gifts, Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are. I have been reading is an understatement, its probably been a few months, which isn't like me with a book, but it has taken me a while to finish it, its the first book I have read on my kindle, sometimes I forget about it. I can't say go get it read it, its the best book ever, it took me a long time to even enjoy it, I felt like for a while there I was forcing myself to read it. But I almost think that was the point, because now I get it, I understand the point, it makes me think. That's what is supposed to happen! :)
So I've decided I'm going to do the challenge that she takes on in the book. Write down 1,000 things that you are thankful for. It may sound easy or stupid, but I can see the progress that this challenge took her. Starting with vague things, like people or places, to specific creations of God's moment. 
The other book I'm reading Contraian's Guide to Knowing God-Spirituality for the Rest of Us talks about how at growth groups we go to make friends and meet people, but the point of them is to feel connected with each other and with God. I see that being the end point of this challenge, to feel more connected with the things we are grateful for and the reason we have them. 
I want to stop thinking negative and have a little faith. I don't want to follow the spirit, I want the spirit in me to guide me. Thats what I'm seeking. So lets see how it goes, I will try and put up a report, since I know I'm not so good at blogging. I have all intentions, but than I forget! :)
Let's see how it goes.........